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时间: 2015-11-18 10:24:00 来源:   网友评论 0
  • 见索即付保函涉及法律部分条款解析


适用于见索即付保函的URDG758规则自2010年7月1日生效以来,世界金融业、保险业、贸易界、法律界都有了广泛运用。在大量的日常实务中,不少从业人员认为见索即付保函很多涉及法律的地方,均认为不好把握。为此,我们将URDG758规则中涉及法律的部分条款逐一解析, 希望有助于读者对规则的理解。

Article 1 Application of URDG本规则适用范围

a.The Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees ("URDG") apply to any demand guarantee or counter-guarantee that expressly indicates it is subject to them. They are binding on all parties to the demand guarantee or counter-guarantee except so far as the demand guarantee or counter-guarantee modifies or excludes them。《见索即付保函统一规则》(以下简称“本规则”)适用于任何在其文本中清楚地表示受本规则约束的见索即付保函或者反担保函。除非见索即付保函或者反担保函修改或者排除本规则条款,否则本规则对见索即付保函或者反担保函的所有当事各方均具有约束力。


Article 2 Definitions定义

Business day means a day on which the place of business where an act of a kind subject to these rules is to be performed is regularly open for the performance of such an act; “营业日”系指在履行本规则所约束行为的地点为履行该行为而通常开业的一天;


Article 5 Independence of guarantee 保函的独立性

a.A guarantee is by its nature independent of the underlying relationship and the application, and the guarantor is in no way concerned with or bound by such relationship. A reference in the guarantee to the underlying relationship for the purpose of identifying it does not change the independent nature of the guarantee. The undertaking of a guarantor to pay under the guarantee is not subject to claims or defences arising from any relationship other than a relationship between the guarantor and the beneficiary. 就保函性质而言,保函与基础关系和申请均是独立的,担保人无须关心这些关系或者受他们的约束。即使在保函中为了识别的目的而对基础关系有所援引,也不改变保函的独立性质。保函项下担保人的支付承诺不受因为担保人和受益人关系之外的任何关系而产生的请求或者抗辩的影响。

释义:第5条是URDG758整套规则的核心原则, 见索即付保函独立于基础关系、保函申请书、源自其他关系的请求或抗辩,但担保人与受益人之间关系除外。见索即付保函的独立性、单据化是它最鲜明的旗织,第5条与本规则第6、7、12条构成呼应。如果适用法律允许,第5(a)条并不阻止担保人对受益人应向其支付的款项行使交互追索,即对保函项下的索赔进行抵销。第5(b)条-反担保函独立性也是相似原则。需要提醒的是:保函与反担保函独立于申请人与受益人之间的基础关系并非是无条件的,大多数法律体系均认可,在某些条件下提出的欺诈证明可以对抗受益人索赔权,欺诈以外的抗辩包括违反外汇管制、经济制裁、金融市场监管、证券交易法规等。

Article 10 Advising of guarantee or amendment保函或者保函修改的通知

e. If a party is requested to advise a guarantee, and agrees to do so, but cannot satisfy itself as to the apparent authenticity of that guarantee or advice, it shall without delay so inform the party from whom the instructions appear to have been received. If the advising party or second advising party elects nonetheless to advise that guarantee, it shall inform the beneficiary or second advising party that it has not been able to satisfy itself as to the apparent authenticity of the guarantee or the advice。如果被要求通知保函的一方,同意通知但是自己无法确信保函或通知的表面真实性,他应该毫不延迟地告知从其处收到指示的一方。如果通知方或者第二通知方仍然决定通知该保函,则应告知受益人或第二通知方其无法确信保函或通知的表面真实性。

释义: 与第10(a、b、d、f)几条相比,“e”这条是强制性规定,通知方无法确信保函或通知的表面真实性,其应毫不延迟地就此告知发出指示的一方,也没有必要将其无法确信表面真实性的情况告诉受益人;然而,通知方仍然选择通知的话,则须明确告知后手无法确信表面真实性,如若未能按此执行,则可能误导受益人并致使受益人在基础关系下蒙受损失,在适用法律下要承担相应责任。

Article 15 Requirements for demand 索款要求

demand under the guarantee shall be supported by such other documents as the guarantee specifies, and in any event by a statement, by the beneficiary, indicating in what respect the applicant is in breach of its obligations under the underlying relationship. This statement may be in the demand or in a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand。保函项下的索款要求应该被保函规定的其他单据所支持,以及在任何情况下都需要受益人提交一份关于申请人在基础关系下违反具体哪方面义务的签署声明所支持。该声明可以在索款要求中做出或者在伴随或认定是索款要求的单独已签署的单据中做出。


Article 16 Information about demand索偿通知

The guarantor shall without delay inform the instructing party or, where applicable, the counter-guarantor of any demand under the guarantee and of any request, as an alternative, to extend the expiry of the guarantee. The counter-guarantor shall without delay inform the instructing party of any demand under the counter-guarantee and of any request, as an alternative, to extend the expiry of the counter-guarantee。担保人应毫不延迟地告知指示方或反担保人(如有)任何保函项下的索偿要求或者作为替代付款的延展保函到期的请求。反担保人应毫不延迟地告知指示方任何反担保函项下的索偿要求或者作为任何替代付款的延展反担保函到期的请求。


Article 21 Currency of payment付款货币

a.The guarantor shall pay a complying demand in the currency specified in the guarantee。担保人应使用保函所规定的货币支付相应的索偿要求。

b.If, on any date on which a payment is to be made under the guarantee: 如果在保函项下做出付款的当日:

i.the guarantor is unable to make payment in the currency specified in the guarantee due to an impediment beyond its control; or 担保人因为其无法控制的障碍而不能使用保函规定的货币付款,或

ii.It is illegal under the law of the place for payment to make payment in the specified currency; the guarantor shall make payment in the currency of the place for payment even if the guarantee indicates that payment can only be made in the currency specified in the guarantee. The instructing party or, in the case of a counter-guarantee, the counter-guarantor, shall be bound by a payment made in such currency. The guarantor or counter-guarantor may elect to be reimbursed either in the currency in which payment was made or in the currency specified in the guarantee or, as the case may be, the counter-guarantee。根据付款地的法律规定使用该指明货币付款是不合法的,担保人应使用付款地的货币付款,即使保函要求只能使用保函规定的货币付款。指示方或反担保人(如有反担保函)应接受这种货币付款的约束。担保人或反担保人可以选择被偿付的货币是实际付款的货币或者保函或反担保函(如有)所规定的货币。


Article 31 Indemnity for foreign laws and usages外国法律和惯例的补偿

The instructing party or, in the case of a counter-guarantee, the counter-guarantor, shall indemnify the guarantor against all obligations and responsibilities imposed by foreign laws and usages, including where those foreign laws and usages impose terms into the guarantee or the counter-guarantee that override its specified terms. The instructing party shall indemnify the counter-guarantor that has indemnified the guarantor under this article。指示方或反担保人(如有反担保函)应补偿担保人被外国法律和惯例所加诸的所有义务和责任,包括外国法律和惯例的有关内容取代保函或反担保函有关条款的情况。指示方应补偿反担保人已经依据本条对担保人所做的补偿。


Article 33 Transfer of guarantee and assignment of proceeds保函转让和让渡

a.A guarantee is transferable only if it specifically states that it is "transferable", in which case it may be transferred more than once for the full amount available at the time of transfer. A counter-guarantee is not transferable。只有在特别说明其是“可转让(transferable)”时,保函才可以转让,在此情况下保函可以按照全部可使用金额转让多次。反担保函不可转让。

b.Even if a guarantee specifically states that it is transferable, the guarantor is not obliged to give effect to a request to transfer that guarantee after its issue except to the extent and in the manner expressly consented to by the guarantor。即使保函特别说明其是可以转让,除非担保人对转让的范围和方式明确表示同意,否则担保人没有义务在保函开立后执行有关转让保函的要求。


g. Whether or not the guarantee states that it is transferable, and subject to the provisions of the applicable law: 无论保函是否说明其可转让,根据适用法律的规定:

i.the beneficiary may assign any proceeds to which it may be or may become entitled under the guarantee; 受益人可以将其在保函项下可能有权或可能将要有权获得的任何款项让渡给他人;

ii.However, the guarantor shall not be obliged to pay an assignee of these proceeds unless the guarantor has agreed to do so。但是,除非担保人同意,否则担保人没有义务向被让渡人支付该款项。


Article 34 Governing law适用法律

a.Unless otherwise provided in the guarantee, its governing law shall be that of the location of the guarantor's branch or office that issued the guarantee。除非保函另有规定,否则其适用的法律应当是担保人开立保函的分支机构所在地的法律。



Article 35 Jurisdiction司法管辖

a.Unless otherwise provided in the guarantee, any dispute between the guarantor and the beneficiary relating to the guarantee shall be settled exclusively by the competent court of the country of the location of the guarantor's branch or office that issued the guarantee。除非保函另有规定,任何担保人和受益人之间有关保函的任何争议,应由担保人开立保函的分支机构所在地的国家有管辖权的法院专属管辖(反担保函相似)。







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