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时间: 2014-06-11 09:33:07 来源: 厦门中远  网友评论 0
  • 根据中国海关总署的要求,2014年6月28日起将正式切换使用海关新舱单申报系统,要求所有入境中国的集装箱货物在启运港装船前24小时向中国海关进行新舱单预申报。为了顺利完成货物运输、清关流程,满足中国海关新舱单申报的要求,请准确提供以下舱单信息:




  *对于“To order”提单,提供通知方名称和地址





  *UN 危险品编码和IMDG编号








  如需了解更多关于中国海关预申报舱单规定的信息,敬请查阅《中国海关总署 172 号令》




  China Customs will implement the new China Customs Advance Manifest system effective from 28th of June 2014. All cargo shipment destination to China is enforcing a 24-hour CCAM rule in pior to the loading time of the last foreign loading port. Shanghai Customs will first start at 3rd June. To ensure smooth transportation of your shipment after CCAM enforcement, we would like to encourage you to start this practice from 3rd June. Please find the main data and formatting requirements of the manifest.

  *Shipper’s name and adress

  *Consignee’s name and adress

  *Notify party name and adress when “To order”BL

  *Cargo Description

  *Total Gross weight, Total number of packages, Type of packages

  *Container Number

  *Container Seal

  *UN Number for Dangerous Goods and IMDG Class

  The failure to meet the requirement of the China customs, might cause “DNLDNU” notice from the customs and negetive effects in the further Import process of China customs clearance and customs release.

  An Advance Manifest submission Fee(AMS) of USD30 /BL and Advance Manifest Amendment(AMA) Fee USD40/BL will take effects from 28th June,2014, prepaid from the cargo receiving.AMS and AMA are applicable to the CCAM Submission 24 hours before the cargo loading.

  Any amendment of the manifest after 24 Hours rule, according to the Customs rule, must be approved by the discharging port customs. You can contact the local agents of COSCON for the application. We will do our best to communicate with the China Customs, but we hereby to state that the amendment might be charged by the customs and might cause the further operation risks of customs clearance and cargo release.

  For more information of the regulation, you may visit the china customs websit:

  Decree No.172 in English

  Decree No.172 in Chinese

  We will keep you informed of any further updates. If you have any questions or requirement of assistance regarding this new regulation, please contact the local COSCON agents.(来自:厦门中远)


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本文来源:厦门中远 作者: (责任编辑:yangjie)
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