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时间: 2010-06-28 22:23:32 来源: 中国资金管理网  网友评论 0
  • ——访Pierre VEYRES先生(法国巴黎银行全球交易银行部执行董事)


GTB is a holistic model that covers the entire value-chain of a business cycle. By grouping the 4 product lines together, we provide an integrated and comprehensive solution to our customers, not just on solution but also operational efficiency and after-sale support etc. Take for example our Multi-Bank Solution (MBS) and optimised interest Rate Scheme (OIRS). These products deliver an unique and optimal liquidity management solution that is unheard of in the market.

GTB是一个整体性的业务体系,它涵盖了企业业务周期的整体价值链的各个环节。通过这四条产品线的整合,我们可以为客户提供综合的、全面的解决方 案,这不仅仅体现在方案设计上,还包括了运营效率的提升和售后服务的支持等。例如,多银行现金管理平台(MBS)和现金池内部优化利率模型。这些产品提供 了独特而且优化的流动性管理解决方案,在市场上是绝无仅有的。

4.What’s your comment on IT technology bringing improvement to modern banking business?


Generally speaking the improvement that IT technology brings to banking industry is significant. Internet Banking has brought the bank within proximity of the client. Bank is able to provide more responsive, convenient and round the clock services. Processing cost has been reduced, passing on as saving to the client and efficiency has increased while human error has been reduced.

一般来说,IT技术在现代银行业的发展上的推动左右非常显著。网上银行使银行服务近在咫尺,使得银行可以为客户提供更灵活、便捷、全天候的服务。技 术的提升大幅降低了交易成本,并直接转化为客户成本的节约,同时随着自动化技术的应用、人为差错率的下降,交易效率也大为提高。

5.What’s your observation on Chinese banks and what’s the key focus of your alliance strategy in China?


With the phenomenal growth of the country's economy, the Chinese banks will play an increasingly important roles globally speaking. The Chinese banks are developing very rapidly, adapting new technology and introducing innovative solution to the market. We believe in a full cooperation with our Chinese partner bank for mutual benefits, both within China where we need the network support of our local partner while outside of China, we can offer our international network to its Chinese clients.

随着中国经济的快速发展,中国的银行将在国际上扮演越来越重要的角色。中国的银行发展非常迅猛,他们不断采用新的技术并在市场上推出创新的解决方 案。我们相信,通过与在华银行同业的全面合作,双方将在国内和国际上实现互利双赢。在中国,我们可以依托本地合作银行业务网点的支持,而在国外,我们也能 为通过法国巴黎银行海外网点的优势,为我们银行合作伙伴的中国客户提供强有力的业务支持。

6. By far, BNP Paribas has been perceived to be conservative in China. How does BNP Paribas position itself in China (after world financial crisis) and what's your ambition for GTB in China?


I prefer to say that BNP Paribas is prudent and focused. This has served us well during the crisis and ride us out of the biggest financial storm in history, relatively unscarred. Without doubt, China is a prime focus of BNP Paribas' strategy.

我想说的是,法国巴黎银行的战略是非常审慎而且专注的。正是这种风格确保了我们银行在有史以来最大的金融风暴中得以安然无恙。毋庸置疑的是,中国已 经成为法国巴黎银行全球战略中的一个首要重点。

The bank has demonstrated its commitment over the past decades, even more over the past few years with the incorporation of a local subsidiary, substantial capital injections since then and the roll-out of a broad and sophisticated business lines set-up.

在过去的几十年里,法国巴黎银行一直在履行着自己的承诺,在最近的几年里尤为突出,我们在中国成立了本地法人银行,注入大量的资本,并引入了众多先 进的产品线。

Thanks to the GTB’s professionals, the investments made in our product suite and our execution capabilities, I am highly confident that the initiatives already taken are on the right track so our integrated flow business offer will support successfully Chinese and international clients expansion.

得益于GTB在产品上的持续投资、依托我们的专业团队以及整个团队强大的执行力,我相信我们在各项业务上的创新正沿着正确的轨道发展,这将确保我们 更好地支持中国公司以及跨国企业客户的业务发展。

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