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ICC UCP600中英文对照版(二)

时间: 2008-10-22 12:08:05 来源:   网友评论 0

Article 6 Availability, Expiry Date and Place for Presentation

第六条 有效性、有效期限及提示地点

a. A credit must state the bank with which it is available or whether it is available with any bank. A credit available with a nominated bank is also available with the issuing bank.

a. 信用证必须规定可以有效使用信用证的银行,或者信用证是否对任何银行均为有效。对于被指定银行有效的信用证同样也对开证行有效。

b. A credit must state whether it is available by sight payment, deferred payment, acceptance or negotiation.

b. 信用证必须规定它是否适用于即期付款、延期付款、承兑抑或议付。

c. A credit must not be issued available by a draft drawn on the applicant.


d. i. A credit must state an expiry date for presentation. An expiry date stated for honour or negotiation will be deemed to be an expiry date for presentation.

d. i 信用证必须规定提示单据的有效期限。规定的用于兑付或者议付的有效期限将被认为是提示单据的有效期限。

ii. The place of the bank with which the credit is available is the place for presentation. The place for presentation under a credit available with any bank is that of any bank. A place for presentation other than that of the issuing bank is in addition to the place of the issuing bank.

ii. 可以有效使用信用证的银行所在的地点是提示单据的地点。对任何银行均为有效的信用证项下单据提示的地点是任何银行所在的地点。不同于开证行地点的提示单据的地点是开证行地点之外提交单据的地点。

e. Except as provided in sub-article 29 (a), a presentation by or on behalf of the beneficiary must be made on or before the expiry date.

e. 除非如29(a)中规定,由受益人或代表受益人提示的单据必须在到期日当日或在此之前提交。

Article 7 Issuing Bank Undertaking

第七条 开证行的承诺

a. Provided that the stipulated documents are presented to the nominated bank or to the issuing bank and that they constitute a complying presentation, the issuing bank must honour if the credit is available by:


i. sight payment, deferred payment or acceptance with the issuing bank;

i. 由开证行即期付款、延期付款或者承兑;

ii. sight payment with a nominated bank and that nominated bank does not pay;

ii. 由被指定银行即期付款而该被指定银行未予付款;

iii. deferred payment with a nominated bank and that nominated bank does not incur its deferred payment undertaking or, having incurred its deferred payment undertaking, does not pay at maturity;

iii. 由被指定银行延期付款而该被指定银行未承担其延期付款承诺,或者虽已承担延期付款承诺但到期未予付款;

iv. acceptance with a nominated bank and that nominated bank does not accept a draft drawn on it or, having accepted a draft drawn on it, does not pay at maturity;

iv. 由被指定银行承兑而该被指定银行未予承兑以其为付款人的汇票,或者虽已承兑以其为付款人的汇票但到期未予付款;

v. negotiation with a nominated bank and that nominated bank does not negotiate.

v. 由被指定银行议付而该被指定银行未予议付。

b. An issuing bank is irrevocably bound to honour as of the time it issues the credit.

b. 自信用证开立之时起,开证行即不可撤销地受到兑付责任的约束。

c. An issuing bank undertakes to reimburse a nominated bank that has honoured or negotiated a complying presentation and forwarded the documents to the issuing bank. Reimbursement for the amount of a complying presentation under a credit available by acceptance or deferred payment is due at maturity, whether or not the nominated bank prepaid or purchased before maturity. An issuing bank's undertaking to reimburse a nominated bank is independent of the issuing bank’s undertaking to the beneficiary.

c. 开证行保证向对于相符提示已经予以兑付或者议付并将单据寄往开证行的被指定银行进行偿付。无论被指定银行是否于到期日前已经对相符提示予以预付或者购买, 对于承兑或延期付款信用证项下相符提示的金额的偿付于到期日进行。开证行偿付被指定银行的承诺独立于开证行对于受益人的承诺。

Article 8 Confirming Bank Undertaking

第八条 保兑行的承诺

a. Provided that the stipulated documents are presented to the confirming bank or to any other nominated bank and that they constitute a complying presentation, the confirming bank must:

a. 倘若规定的单据被提交至保兑行或者任何其他被指定银行并构成相符提示,保兑行必须:

i. honour, if the credit is available by:

i. 兑付,如果信用证适用于:

a. sight payment, deferred payment or acceptance with the confirming bank;

a. 由保兑行即期付款、延期付款或者承兑;

b. sight payment with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not pay;

b. 由另一家被指定银行即期付款而该被指定银行未予付款;

c. deferred payment with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not incur its deferred payment undertaking or, having incurred its deferred payment undertaking, does not pay at maturity;

c. 由另一家被指定银行延期付款而该被指定银行未承担其延期付款承诺,或者虽已承担延期付款承诺但到期未予付款;

d. acceptance with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not accept a draft drawn on it or, having accepted a draft drawn on it, does not pay at maturity;

d. 由另一家被指定银行承兑而该被指定银行未予承兑以其为付款人的汇票,或者虽已承兑以其为付款人的汇票但到期未予付款;

e. negotiation with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not negotiate.

e. 由另一家被指定银行议付而该被指定银行未予议付。

ii. negotiate, without recourse无追索权, if the credit is available by negotiation with the confirming bank.

ii. 若信用证由保兑行议付,无追索权地议付。

b. A confirming bank is irrevocably bound to honour or negotiate as of the time it adds its confirmation to the credit.

b. 自为信用证加具保兑之时起,保兑行即不可撤销地受到兑付或者议付责任的约束。

c. A confirming bank undertakes to reimburse another nominated bank that has honoured or negotiated a complying presentation and forwarded the documents to the confirming bank. Reimbursement for the amount of a complying presentation under a credit available by acceptance or deferred payment is due at maturity, whether or not another nominated bank prepaid or purchased before maturity. A confirming bank's undertaking to reimburse another nominated bank is independent of the confirming bank’s undertaking to the beneficiary.

c. 保兑行保证向对于相符提示已经予以兑付或者议付并将单据寄往开证行的另一家被指定银行进行偿付。无论另一家被指定银行是否于到期日前已经对相符提示予以预付或者购买, 对于承兑或延期付款信用证项下相符提示的金额的偿付于到期日进行。保兑行偿付另一家被指定银行的承诺独立于保兑行对于受益人的承诺。

d. If a bank is authorized or requested by the issuing bank to confirm a credit but is not prepared to do so, it must inform the issuing bank without delay and may advise the credit without confirmation.

d. 如开证行授权或要求另一家银行对信用证加具保兑,而该银行不准备照办时,它必须不延误地告知开证行并仍可通知此份未经加具保兑的信用证。

Article 9 Advising of Credits and Amendments

第九条 信用证及修改的通知

a. A credit and any amendment may be advised to a beneficiary through an advising bank. An advising bank that is not a confirming bank advises the credit and any amendment without any undertaking to honour or negotiate. a. 信用证及其修改可以通过通知行通知受益人。除非已对信用证加具保兑,通知行通知信用证不构成兑付或议付的承诺。

b. By advising the credit or amendment, the advising bank signifies that it has satisfied itself as to the apparent authenticity of the credit or amendment and that the advice accurately reflects the terms and conditions of the credit or amendment received.

b. 通过通知信用证或修改,通知行即表明其认为信用证或修改的表面真实性得到满足,且通知准确地反映了所收到的信用证或修改的条款及条件。

c. An advising bank may utilize the services of another bank (“second advising bank”) to advise the credit and any amendment to the beneficiary. By advising the credit or amendment, the second advising bank signifies that it has satisfied itself as to the apparent authenticity of the advice it has received and that the advice accurately reflects the terms and conditions of the credit or amendment received.

c. 通知行可以利用另一家银行的服务(“第二通知行”)向受益人通知信用证及其修改。通过通知信用证或修改,第二通知行即表明其认为所收到的通知的表面真实性得到满足,且通知准确地反映了所收到的信用证或修改的条款及条件。

d. A bank utilizing the services of an advising bank or second advising bank to advise a credit must use the same bank to advise any amendment thereto.

d. 如一家银行利用另一家通知行或第二通知行的服务将信用证通知给受益人,它也必须利用同一家银行的服务通知修改书。

e. If a bank is requested to advise a credit or amendment but elects not to do so, it must so inform, without delay, the bank from which the credit, amendment or advice has been received.

e. 如果一家银行被要求通知信用证或修改但决定不予通知,它必须不延误通知向其发送信用证、修改或通知的银行。

f. If a bank is requested to advise a credit or amendment but cannot satisfy itself as to the apparent authenticity of the credit, the amendment or the advice, it must so inform, without delay, the bank from which the instructions appear to have been received. If the advising bank or second advising bank elects nonetheless to advise the credit or amendment, it must inform the beneficiary or second advising bank that it has not been able to satisfy itself as to the apparent authenticity of the credit, the amendment or the advice.

f. 如果一家被要求通知信用证或修改,但不能确定信用证、修改或通知的表面真实性,就必须不延误地告知向其发出该指示的银行。如果通知行或第二通知行仍决定通知信用证或修改,则必须告知受益人或第二通知行其未能核实信用证、修改或通知的表面真实性。

Article 10 Amendments

第十条 修改

a. Except as otherwise provided by article 38, a credit can neither be amended nor cancelled without the agreement of the issuing bank, the confirming bank, if any, and the beneficiary.

a. 除本惯例第38条另有规定外,凡未经开证行、保兑行(如有)以及受益人同意,信用证既不能修改也不能撤销。

b. An issuing bank is irrevocably bound by an amendment as of the time it issues the amendment. A confirming bank may extend its confirmation to an amendment and will be irrevocably bound as of the time it advises the amendment. A confirming bank may, however, choose to advise an amendment without extending its confirmation and, if so, it must inform the issuing bank without delay and inform the beneficiary in its advice.

b. 自发出信用证修改书之时起,开证行就不可撤销地受其发出修改的约束。保兑行可将其保兑承诺扩展至修改内容,且自其通知该修改之时起,即不可撤销地受到该修改的约束。然而,保兑行可选择仅将修改通知受益人而不对其加具保兑,但必须不延误地将此情况通知开证行和受益人。

c. The terms and conditions of the original credit (or a credit incorporating previously accepted amendments) will remain in force for the beneficiary until the beneficiary communicates its acceptance of the amendment to the bank that advised such amendment. The beneficiary should give notification of acceptance or rejection of an amendment. If the beneficiary fails to give such notification, a presentation that complies with the credit and to any not yet accepted amendment will be deemed to be notification of acceptance by the beneficiary of such amendment. As of that moment the credit will be amended.

c. 在受益人向通知修改的银行表示接受该修改内容之前,原信用证(或包含先前已被接受修改的信用证)的条款和条件对受益人仍然有效。受益人应发出接受或拒绝接受修改的通知。如受益人未提供上述通知,当其提交至被指定银行或开证行的单据与信用证以及尚未表示接受的修改的要求一致时,则该事实即视为受益人已作出接受修改的通知,并从此时起,该信用证已被修改。

d. A bank that advises an amendment should inform the bank from which it received the amendment of any notification of acceptance or rejection.

d. 通知修改的银行应当通知向其发出修改书的银行任何有关接受或拒绝接受修改的通知。

e. Partial acceptance of an amendment is not allowed and will be deemed to be notification of rejection of the amendment.

e. 不允许部分接受修改,部分接受修改将被视为拒绝接受修改的通知。

f. A provision in an amendment to the effect that the amendment shall enter into force unless rejected by the beneficiary within a certain time shall be disregarded.

f. 修改书中作出的除非受益人在某一时间内拒绝接受修改,否则修改将开始生效的条款将被不予置理。

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