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1. 通知 对方完成装船 We are glad to inform you that the goods you ordered in September have been shipped by M/S "Pacific" due to leave Shanghai port on December 10.
We have made a special effort to complete your order in time and trust the fine quality of our goods will give you full satisfaction.
2. 通知 对方订货已完成,正等待装船 You request us to inform you when your order No. 250 is ready for shipment.
We are pleased to advise you that your order is completed and awaiting shipping at our plant.
3. 通知对方货物已装船 We confirm dispatch of your order per M/S America, and give the packing arrangements to facilitate at your end.
We trust the consignment arrives in good order and gives you complete satisfaction.
4. 通知对方根据指示以 空运 运送,并附寄提单 We acknowledge receipt of your confirmation that your consignment should be sent by airfreight, and have accordingly forwarded the goods.
We trust that the consignment arrives safely.
We have enclosed the air waybill in this letter.
5. 通知对方转让装船文件的银行 In order to cover shipment, we have drawn a draft at sight under your L/C, and have negotiated the shipping documents through The Bank of China.
We ask you to honor it on presentation.
6. 通知对方已寄出装船文件 The commercial invoice, packing list, and insurance policy, together with clean on board ocean B/L, have been sent through The Bank of China, with our sight draft under your irrevocable L/C.
Please advise us of the safe arrival of the goods.
7. 运送数量不足, 要求加紧装运 Concerning our order No. 351 for 5,000 sets of color TV, you have so far shipped only 3,000 units against the shipment during August.
When we placed the order, we gave our customers a definite assurance that we could supply the goods by the end of October.
Therefore we request your urgent shipment.
8. 督促交货,并要求对方紧急通知运送时间 Your delay has caused us considerable inconvenience and we request you do your utmost to dispatch the overdue goods as soon as possible.
Please inform us urgently when you can ship them with certainty so that we can promise a definite time of delivery to our customers who are proposing to cancel this order.
9. 要求对方告知货运日期 The goods we ordered were urgently required to meet an immediate requirement and we requested you to forward them by the first available cargo airline at once.
However we have not yet received any shipping advice from you.
Please let us know by fax when you can ship our order.
10. 要求通知装运日期,若过迟则取消订单 You are requested to inform us immediately when shipment can be effected so that our customer may plan their production schedule.
If you cannot make shipment within this month, we must ask you to accept cancellation of our order.
11. 因工厂职员罢工而导致延期出货 We regret very much your complaint of September 30 that we have not yet been able to execute your order No. 351.
The work at the plant was suspended for several weeks during the employees' strike.